Las leyes 39 y 40 de 2015 y las universidades públicas: su exclusión de la esfera de la Administración pública y consecuencias derivadas = As leis 39 e 40 de 2015 e as universidades públicas: a súa exclusión da esfera da Administración pública e consecuencias derivadas

This article examines the scope of the changes introduced by Laws 39/2015 and 40/2015, of the administrative procedure of public administrations and the legal system of the public sector respectively, and the consequences of these changes on the legal regime of public universities, mainly due to the exclusion of these institutions from being considered public administrations. The study first confirms that this exclusion exists, derived from the scope of application issued in both laws. Next, I study the implications of this exclusion, as well as its scope and effects on the different areas of university activity. The preferred solution to these serious problems would preferably include the modification of these laws returning to the universities the consideration of public administrations or, at least, not to exclude them explicitly. Failure to do so implies depriving universities of many of the powers and guarantees that the new laws reserve to public administrations ​
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