La responsabilidad patrimonial de las administraciones públicas por cambio de la ordenación urbanística y por la anulación de los títulos administrativos habilitantes, a la luz de la doctrina de la Comissió jurídica assessora de la Generalitat de Catalunya y de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo

Capilla Vidal, Gabriel
The work, based on an applied and academic legal methodology, carries out a critical analysis of the current regulation of the institution of patrimonial responsibility as a guarantee of the citizens in our legal system. In addition, the work focuses on two of the specific assumptions that give rise to the patrimonial responsibility included in the land and urban planning legislation. Specifically, they are those relating to the liability arising from the alteration of the territorial and / or urban planning, as well as that arising from the annulment of the enabling titles for the building. The research has had as sources of knowledge, in addition to an extensive bibliography, the pronouncements of the Legal Advisory Commission and the Chamber III of the Supreme Court in this matter. They are the subject of special study, based on the opinions of the Legal Advisory Commission and the rulings of the Supreme Court, apart from procedural issues, elements such as; the patrimonialization of the right to build, the treatment of third parties in good faith in cases of demolition of real estate, or the so-called subjective aspect of the illegal action of the Administration; the criteria of flagrant or qualified normative contravention, and of the rationality and reasonableness of the administrative decision. ​
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