A comprehensive methodology to analyse bonded joints subjected to different environmental conditions

Cohesive zone models are widely used for modelling delamination and bonded joints under different loading conditions. In the current thesis, an objective inverse method has been developed to extract the cohesive law from experimental load-displacement data for both mode I and mode II. In addition, the influence of the mode II test configuration on the cohesive law of bonded joints is discussed. Besides, the influence of environmental conditions on the fracture behaviour of two types of adhesively bonded joints is experimentally studied for Mode I and Mode II tests. The dependence of the cohesive laws on the testing temperature and ageing is also analysed. Finally, a phenomenological expression that describes the effect of temperature and ageing on the cohesive law shape is formulated. Using this expression, a constitutive cohesive zone model is enhanced to simulate the influence of the environmental conditions on the mechanical response. ​
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