Una proposta de desenvolupament de l’autogovern català i andalús en matèria de costes: el Projecte de llei d’ordenació del litoral
Text Complet
Despite economic pressure and climate change effects on coastal areas are
becoming more and more apparent, the current Spanish legislation is not providing
satisfactory solutions. As a consequence, this article investigates the possibilities of the
Government of Catalonia and the Government of Andalusia to develop their own coastal
planning legislation that jointly regulate maritime-terrestrial public domain and its
adjacent spaces. To do so, the article focuses, firstly, on the study of the regional
competencies previously transfered from the Spanish government. Secondly, the focus is
on the study of the Spanish constitution jurisprudence. Finally, the article presents the bill
on coastal planning legislation approved by the Government of Catalonia, which supposes
a pioneering work in Spain and which might settle the foundations of a new coastal
governance model
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