Development of new, non-invasive tools based on faecal bacterial signatures for the early detection of colorectal cancer

This thesis aims to develop a new non-invasive tool based on faecal bacterial markers for the early detection of colorectal cancer, which is capable of detecting precancerous lesions before the onset of clinical signs. In this work three tools have been developed: (1) RAID-CRC, based on the combination of four bacterial species with FIT, capable of reducing FIT false positive results in a 50% in a population with symptoms compatible with CRC; (2) RAID-CRC Screen, based on the combination of six bacterial species, capable of reducing I a 20% FIT false positive results in an asymptomatic population aged between 50 and 69 (current CRC screening population); and finally, (3) RAID-LS, based on the combination of three bacterial species, capable of detecting colorectal neoplastic lesions absence in Lynch syndrome carriers (subjects with CRC genetic predisposition) with a 100% sensitivity. ​
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