Notes per a una hipòtesi d’atribució de "E tot qan m’a ofes en aiqest an" (BdT 461.80)

Cantalupi, Cecilia
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The article aims to shed light on a well-known group of coblas esparsas and exchanges of coblas copied in chansonniersH and P. They form a satirical corpus composed in the 1220s in Northern Italy by trouba-dours of the so-called «Este bohemians» (Aimeric de Peguilhan, Guilhem Figueira, Sordello). The arti-cle analyses the shared elements and their satirical resources to focuses finally on the anonymous coblaBdT 461.80 (an unicum in P), discussing Gianfranco Fo-lena’s hypothesis about its authorship, and weighing the possible arguments in favour of Guilhem Figueira ​
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