Recomendaciones para la detección, diagnóstico y seguimiento de los pacientes con enfermedad por hígado graso no alcohólico en atención primaria y hospitalaria = Recommendations for the detection, diagnosis and follow-up of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in primary and hospital care

Caballeria, Llorenç
Augustin, Salvador
Broquetas, Teresa
Morillas, Rosa Maria
Vergara, Mercè
Virolés, Silvia
Hernández, Ma. Rosario
Serra, Isabel
Goday, Alberto
Carrión, Jose Antonio
Graupera, Isabel
Ginès, Pere
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common chronic liver diseases, with a prevalence of 20-30% in the general population and 60-80% in at-risk populations. In a not negligible percentage of patients, NAFLD progresses from steatosis to different stages of fibrosis and cirrhosis. Due to its high prevalence, NAFLD has become a significant health problem that requires specific action in detection, diagnosis, follow-up and treatment. Furthermore, given that NAFLD presents an increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, a multidisciplinary approach is required for its treatment and follow-up. Patients with early stages of the disease, without fibrosis, can be diagnosed and receive treatment in the Primary Care setting, while those with more advanced liver disease benefit from specialised follow-up in the hospital setting to prevent and treat liver complications. This consensus document, prepared by the Catalan Societies of Digestology, Primary Care, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Internal Medicine, arises from the need to design strategies to guide patient flows between Primary and Hospital Care in order to offer patients with NAFLD the best care according to the stage of their disease. The consensus document describes the most commonly used non-invasive diagnostic methods for patient diagnosis and two algorithms have been designed for patient management in both Primary Care and Hospital Care ​
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