Pellaea calomelanos (Pteridaceae) en Cataluña: es realmente una disyunción ancestral?

Vitales Serrano, Daniel
García Fernández, Alfredo
Garnatje i Roca, Teresa
Vallès Xirau, Joan
Robert, Yannis
Vigo, Josep
Pellaea calomelanos is a species discovered in Africa and whose distribution area has been expanding more recently to Asia and to a single European locality, including three populations, in Catalonia. Both, the fact of belonging to ferns and presenting this disjoint distribution fostered the idea of a relict species resulting from an extensive distribution in remote times. The 2C-values range from 16.45 pg for the individual of the Reunion Island to 17.40 pg for the population of Boadella (Catalonia). Although a certain variability exists, no statistically significant differences among them have been found. The phylogenetic analysis reveals a well-supported clade grouping all the individuals of the different populations of P. calomelanos but without any kind of internal resolution. The results of this work, based on measures of nuclear DNA amount and also on two regions of chloroplast DNA sequencing, together with the characteristics of its habitat, allow the authors to hypothesize about a recent colonisation of the European continent by this species ​
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