Influence of feeding restriction and dietary phosphorus levels on body tissue composition evaluated in vivo by computed tomography, bone mineralisation and sensory properties of the meat from gilts

Luo, Xin
Feeding strategy is very important for farmers to improve pig productive parameters and keep its competitive advantage in the market. The computed tomography (CT) technology can evaluate the effect of feeding strategy on the body/carcass tissue and bone composition of living pigs, since it allows the evaluation of the same animal at various moments of growth to avoid serial slaughtering of animals. This thesis at hand investigates the effect of different feeding restriction treatments on productive and carcass quality parameters of gilts using CT during growth and the effect of such treatments on meat quality, sensory properties and consumer preference (experiment 1) and the effect of different feeding strategies with different dietary P and phytases levels on density and the morphological characteristics of the bones of live gilts during growth and in their carcasses via CT images and the effect of these strategies on the chemical and physical characteristics of the bones, carcass and meat quality characteristics (experiment 2) ​
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