Deep learning methods for automated detection of new multiple sclerosis lesions in longitudinal magnetic resonance images

This thesis is focused on developing novel and fully automated methods for the detection of new multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions in longitudinal brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). First, we proposed a fully automated logistic regression-based framework for the detection and segmentation of new T2-w lesions. The framework was based on intensity subtraction and deformation field (DF). Second, we proposed a fully convolutional neural network (FCNN) approach to detect new T2-w lesions in longitudinal brain MR images. The model was trained end-to-end and simultaneously learned both the DFs and the new T2-w lesions. Finally, we proposed a deep learning-based approach for MS lesion synthesis to improve the lesion detection and segmentation performance in both cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis ​
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