La salud de las mujeres desde la perspectiva de los determinantes sociales
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Social determinants of health (DSS) are the circumstances in which people are born, grow, live, work, and grow old in relation to their health system. The study of DSS becomes essential for understanding social health inequalities by gender.
This study analyzes the perception of health status, lifestyles and the use of health services, from the perspective of social determinants of health and the axis of inequality in Catalonia in 2006 and 2012/13. , through the comparison of the results obtained with the Health Survey of Catalonia (ESCA)
The descriptive study focused on the population of Catalonia, not institutionalized and over 15 years.
The research results reveal differences between the two waves likely to be in different economic contexts.
The main contribution of the thesis is the analysis carried out from the perspective of gender, DSS and the axis of inequality
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