Cyclization reactions for the functionalization of fullerenes: experimental and theoretical studies
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Fullerenes are a group of spherical molecules with outstanding
physicochemical properties that make them important materials in a variety of
fields, ranging from biomedicine to photovoltaics. However, in order to
become useful molecules, fullerenes have to be previously modified. In this
sense, since the early days of fullerene science, organic chemists have
managed to prepare a plethora of fullerene derivatives by employing different
synthetic strategies. On the other hand, transition metal-catalyzed
cyclization reactions provide a powerful synthetic tool to access molecular
complexity with high efficiency and selectivity. The works developed in the
context of this doctoral thesis deal with the development of Rh(I)-catalyzed
cyclization reactions directed to the functionalization of fullerene C60.
Moreover, the mechanism of the processes described has been extensively
studied by quantum chemical calculations and some of the prepared products
have been used as electron-transporting materials in perovskite solar cells
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