Advanced thermal analysis of ReBCO superconductor precursor films and functional oxides
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High temperature superconductivity and in particular YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) coated conductors (CCs) are a crucial technology for the drastic reduction of CO2 emissions. Since nowadays YBCO CCs are not competitive economically, the goal is to reduce manufacturing costs, achieving high current densities and ultra-fast growths. It is in this context that chemical solution deposition methods (CSD) have arisen as a cost-effective alternative fabrication route to the industrial methods used nowadays. First, thermal analyses are applied to the study of the precursor solution. Its thermal behavior is shown to be different than the simple sum of its component salts, and their thermal behavior is rationalized as a function of atmosphere, metal ion and sample geometry. Secondly, a novel YBCO growth approach is developed which is able to compete with other established routes, since it combines the advantages of affordable chemical methodologies with those of liquid assisted techniques.
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