Novel developments in the Diffusive Gradient in Thin films (DGT) technique for the determination of bioavailable mercury and other trace metals in aquatic and terrestrial environments

Turull López, Marta
This thesis is focused on the use of the Diffusive Gradient in thin film (DGT) technique for the analysis of bioavailable mercury and other trace metals in water and soil. Homemade DGT devices using a selective ion-exchange resin, and a polyacrylamide gel as the diffusive layer using an open resin (>5 nm), have been used to determine the labile Hg in different aquatic systems, concretely in the Ebro river (Spain) and Tully river (Australia). Besides, a new design of DGT using a bis-acrylamide as a restricted layer (<1 nm) has been performed to determine different species of Hg in agricultural soils. On the other hand, using Chelex-100 as the resin in the DGT devices allowed the analysis of bioavailable trace metals and further correlation with the plant uptake, specifically by lettuces (Lactuca sativa) ​
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