Las familias y los usuarios del programa de educación y apoyo familiar en la comunidad autónoma de Galicia

Besada Soria, Lourdes
Rodríguez Casal, Mauro
García Marín, Jorge
Ferraces Otero, Maria José
Text Complet
The Family Education and Support Program is responsibility of the local Administration, through the community Social Services, and is essentially addressed to families that are in a situation of risk and/or social exclusion, paying special attention to cohabitation units where the presence of minors is frequent. The main goal of this research is to analyze the situation in which the program is located in the Galician. Autonomous just a he sectors of population or groups coveredby it , the description of the actions carried out with families by those professionals responsible for interventions, the people receiving the actions, as well as referrals made with the minor ́s collective to social systems/services.The results of this project show some differences regarding the Education and Fam-ily Support Program among the Galician provinces, showing that the children’s collective is the one that is mainly provided with specific coverage, together with the fact that the actions carried out by family educators are not intended to the whole family, but they are preferably addressed to children. The most part of the actions that have been developed by the program take place in the family home, and focus on the learning of family and do-mestic skills. In addition, referrals between social services and the educational system rep-resent more than 50.0% of those that take place among different social systems/services ​
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