Intel·ligència emocional i resiliència en els estudiants de quart curs de Grau d’Infermeria: projecte de recerca

Valentí Amengual, Maria
Once nursing students complete their undergraduate studies, they will enter the job market, where they will face difficult situations such as: communicating bad news, pain, death, stress, etc., i.e situations of high emotional impact. For this reason, during the degree, it’s very important that students have worked on cons- tructs such as Emotional Intelligence and Resilience, considered positive faculty tools to deal with adverse situations. Emotional Intelligence is known as one of the skills to effectively cope with situations of high emotional impact and Resili- ence has been shown to have a positive impact on the Nursing profession in order to overcome adversity and becoming stronger and more resilient during the experience. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the knowledge and levels of students in the 4th year of the Nursing Degree of the University of Girona on Emotional Inte- lligence and Resilience. In other words, to see if they are sufficiently prepared to offer a good accompaniment during illness, mourning, sadness, suffering, etc .; to see if they are capable of managing their own emotions and consequently those of others and at the same time are becoming more resilient towards the harsh experiences of nursing work. Finally, these two concepts are related. The methodology is carried out with a quantitative, descriptive, univariate and bivariate analysis study on nursing students in their 4th year at the University of Girona. For the statistical analysis and obtaining of results, the SPSS v20 pro- gram has been used. The results obtained in this study will help detect needs related to the training and learning of nursing students and the lack of resources to deal with situations of high emotional impact and adversity during the Nursing profession ​
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