El restaurador Joan Sutrà Viñas (1898-1981) i la seva aportació a la conservació del patrimoni artístic

The aim of this doctoral thesis is to present the person and work of restorer and professor of history of art Joan Sutrà Viñas (1898 - 1981), in particular within the context of the conservation and restoration of artistic heritage in Catalonia during the first half of the XX Century. The analysis of his interventions provides a great source of information on the state of conservation of numerous pieces with great artistic relevance that passed through his hands, as well as restoration techniques carried out particularly in the decades of 1920 and 1930. The evolution of his technique manifests in particular after his stay at the Laboratoire du Musée du Louvre de Paris. On the other hand, the recovery of the restorer’s personal archive, kept by his family from the time of his passing, becomes a tool for the consultation and study of the artworks that make it up ​
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