Prevalença de violència de gènere a la població gironina amb trastorns mentals: projecte de recerca
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Introduction: Gender-based violence is a very important social issue due to the violation
involved in the human women rights. Although women with mental disorders are most
vulnerable to live violent experiences, there is a great deal of invisibility of this
phenomenon in this community affected by mental illness and is reflected in the lack of
research on this aspect.
On the other hand, women with mental disorders who have suffered gender-based
violence, report frequently to health centres, so, it is necessary to carry out activities of
prevention, detection and act together with the health professionals, the judicial system
and the social groups.
Thus, considering the absence of studies that encompass this serious issue, it is considered
very relevant to determine the dimension of the problem.
Aims: Analyse the prevalence of gender-based violence on women with mental disorders
treated in the Adults Mental Health Centres. On the other hand, we will identify the risk
factors according to people sociodemographic profile and determine the prevalence of
gender-based violence according to the women’s main mental disorder.
Methodology: This is a descriptive, observational and transversal study with quantitative
analysis, which will take place from September 2019 to December 2020 with the
participation of 267 users of all Adult Mental Health Centres from Institut d’Assistència
Sanitària (IAS). The sample will be chosen randomly stratified by centres and the
questionnaire will be done in one visit of the user in a period of 6 months. The instrument
that will be used is a sociodemographic ad-hoc questionnaire and the Revised Conflict
Tactics Scale 2.
The personal data of the participants will be guaranteed and protected according to the
Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, of Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital
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