Llengua i nacionalisme en el discurs mediatitzat català i espanyol produït arran de l'elaboració de l'Estatut de Catalunya del 2006

Pi Vilà, Anna
The drawing up of the 2006 Statute of Catalonia introduced the obligation of knowing Catalan, as the 1978 Spanish Constitution did for Spanish. This dissertation starts from the hypothesis that nationalist representations, produced within two conflicting domains of reference, were already present in the intense media debate on language policy raised by the writing of the Statute and that languages play a central role in the nationalist component of the debates shaping public opinion in Spain. I have used Critical Discourse Analysis to examine a corpus of 46 opinion articles dealing with the language issue, written during the drawing up of the Statute and published in four different newspapers, two from Madrid and two from Barcelona. My analysis has allowed me to assess the weight of nationalism in the debate and to define two domains of reference, Catalan and Spanish, by identifying a series of principles that guide the production of the conflicting discourses. ​
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