Edició crítica dels capítols 1-100 del "Llibre de les dones" de Francesc Eiximenis: estudi codicològic, estudi ecdòtic i estudi històric

Izquierdo Molinas, Eva
This thesis presents the critical edition of the chapters from 1 to 100 of the "Llibre de les dones" by Francesc Eiximenis. This book was large disseminated, as evidenced by the fact that it has been preserved in six manuscripts and one incunabulum from the 15th century, not to mention the existence of many fragmentary copies. This work was also translated into Spanish and it preserve in seven whole manuscripts, in addition to several partial copies and a version adapted called "Carro de las donas" (1542). It was also subjected to a critical edition by Frank Naccarato in 1981. Although it allowed the contemporary reader to know the book, only three of the seven manuscripts were taken into account. At present, there are still mysteries to solve, such as the date of writing of the book, the reasons why Eiximenis devoted it to the countess of Prades and the textual affiliation of the preserved manuscripts. This thesis is aimed at filling the gaps around the study of this work ​
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