El principio de igualdad y no discriminación de las trabajadoras migrantes: un factor clave en el estudio de género en la sociedad global
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The present doctoral thesis work analyzes the issue of migrant women in relation to gender equality and non-discrimination in employment. In particular, the group of domestic migrant women whose condition is most vulnerable is addressed. More specifically, an analysis is made of the problems perceived by this group, such as the segmentation of work, the struggle for decent work and the complications that arise around the underground economy, which comes precisely from irregular work. That is why, in order to analyze these issues in particular, an approach to the principle of equality, non-discrimination in Chapter I, of gender equality in Chapter II, of gender equality in employment in Chapter III and finally the group of migrant women is addressed in Chapter IV. In particular, this work is a documentary and in-depth legal investigation. In addition, the special protections that these women have today in the international and community sphere are contemplated and, specifically, the regulations and doctrine that derive from two specific States: Spain and Ecuador
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