Service quality approach in development of children's visit model. Case study Golestan Palace Museum, Tehran, Iran
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This is an investigation that wants to study about the perspective of service quality for young audiences at a cultural place such as museum. These types of projects allow us to obtain direct feedback from children as young visitors and achieve important outcomes that could help to improve museum services in order to increase children satisfaction and loyalty and help to change the museum managers' view and change the vision of museum administrators.
In this sense, 361 questionnaires responded to boys and girls in primary schools in Tehran, between 7 and 13 years old, while visiting the museum.
Obtained answers have been analyzed through various methods.
The results show that some of the service quality factors have a positive effect on children's visits, but we have discovered that some of these factors may not be direct causes of satisfaction during their visit, unlike adults. It means that these factors are not sufficient for the satisfaction of the children in their visit from a cultural place like the museums.
In summary, it can be said that the Golestan Palace museum has important elements of attraction for children, which with appropriate planning, attention and investment, can become the focus of attracting young audiences in Tehran
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