La traducció al català de poesia en llengua anglesa (1990-2010): anàlisi formal i retòrica
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This PhD dissertation attempts to describe and value the translation into Catalan of English language poetry during the period that comprises the years 1990 to 2010. It is the aim of this thesis to consider a theoretical approach regarding the study of poetry translation based on rhetoric. As far as twenty translations are studied in order to offer quite an assorted, large and diverse collection of samples that supports the fulfillment of the pursued objective. All the English language poets that belong to the corpus have mostly published their work during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. This chronological delimitation hinders the application of a historicist methodology that would not fit in the synchronic and theoretical goals of the current dissertation. Hence, the methodology employed is comparative, descriptive and empirical. It is impossible to avoid the comparative method when studying any translated text in depth, because translation needs to confront two texts: the source text and the target text. Whereas the descriptive and empirical methods allow to reach supporting conclusions, since the thesis always departs from texts that have been previously analyzed and described. Thus, this dissertation aims at showing that translated poetry texts can be described, studied and assessed from rhetoric, a discipline that, from its origins, has been linked to grammar and poetry and, for this reason, it is based on the knowledge of the language procedure that is characteristic of literature
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