Valoración y control del dolor del paciente postoperado de cirugía cardíaca pre y post implantación de una guía práctica de cuidados enfermeros que incluye un protocolo analgésico
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Pain control is an important objective, although postoperative pain continues to be observed in hospitals.
We performed a quasi-experimental study with a non-equivalent control group applying a Nursing Care Guide that includes an analgesic protocol and pain control every 4 hours, with a sample of 117 Control Group (GC) and 124 Study Group (GE) patients after surgery. of cardiac surgery. The main objective of the study is to describe the degree of pain experienced by the patients according to the Numerical Rating Scale(NRS),in the first 32 hours of stay in the Intensive Care Unit and to establish possible differences between the GC and GE.
The patients who underwent cardiac surgery presented values ≤3 for the NRS scale. The patients undergoing combined surgery, coronary revascularization and without cardiopulmonary-bypass (CPB) showed more pain. The patients to whom the guide was applied experienced less pain and shorter hospital stay
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