Transport, distribution and fate of emerging contaminants in wastewater-receiving rivers under multiple stress conditions
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The main aim of this thesis was to establish a link between the urban origin of chemical contamination (e.g. PhACs) and other stressors, particularly associated to water scarcity (Chapter 1, 2, and 3). Research has been performed in one Alpine (Chapter 1) and two Mediterranean river basins (Chapter 2 and 3). Effects of the river flow variability on the recovery potential of the rivers (natural in-stream attenuation) have been studied in the tributary streams of the lower Ebro River (Chapter 2) and the Evrotas River (Chapter 3). Results have shown that occurrence and spatiotemporal distribution of PhACs in the fragile Alpine and Mediterranean aquatic environments is subjected to a strong intra-annual variability of the stream flow, while effects of multiple stress conditions may be amplified under water scarcity conditions (e.g. drought), thus resulting in the increased concentrations levels of PhACs in river water and sediments
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