Avaluació del servei telefònic amb llevadora com a eina de suport durant la instauració de l’alletament matern

Gol i Gómez, Roser
This work evaluates the effectiveness of the midwifery telephone support in relation to the abandonment of breastfeeding of primiparous women from a randomized parallel controlled clinical trial. 220 primiparous women who had cared for them during pregnancy at the Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Centre(ASSIR) in Badalona, (Catalonia). The mothers of the experimental group received a phone number to allow them contact their midwife in postnatal period to discuss any problems they may have had. Mothers from the control group received the usual care from the postnatal guidelines. The mothers who used the phone service had less abandonment of breastfeeding and within the 3rd-4th week postnatal (p = 0.001) but a higher exclusive breastfeeding index was not achieved. The low-risk gestation was identified as protective factor of exclusive breastfeeding. However not attending postpartum groups, not attending breastfeeding support groups, the low mood and postnatal depression were all identified as risk factors. ​
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