3D underwater SLAM using sonar and laser sensors
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This thesis presents a SLAM algorithm using a multibeam echosounder, a new
underwater laser scanner for online 3D perception and two applications of
this new laser scanner: inspection and intervention.
The SLAM algorithm using a multibeam echosounder presents a new 3D
probabilistic registration method. The results of this registration method
are used as updates of an extended Kalman filter where the positions of the
different submaps is estimated.
This thesis also presents the model and calibration of the new underwater
laser scanner. This new sensor outperforms in resolution, precision and 3D
scanning frquency the acoustic multibeam and the state of the art laser
Finally, this sensor in used in the inspection, using SLAM, of a submerged
structure, and in two manipulation experiments. One using path planning in an
unknown environment and the other one grasping an object at the bottom of the
water tank
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