O museu como sala de aula: performando as materialidades através das identidades docentes = The museum as a classroom: performing materialities through teachers' identities

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This chapter reconstructs a collaborative educational project conducted by the Educational Department of a contemporary art centre (FórumEugénio de Almeida, Évora, Portugal) and a group of Teacher Education students in primary education, in the subject "Education and Expression of Visual Arts" at University of Évora, Portugal. Among the main goals we mention: a) to rethink the locations that limit the possibility for a new thinking and practice of teacher subjectivities; b) to question the passive role of body in education; c) reterritorialize materiality in Artistic Education; d) to work with collective biographies to rethink museums/art centers as contingent spaces for mediation, participation and experimentation; e) to stimulate the combination between teaching activity and contemporary artistic practices. Through the Methodology of Situations (Jagodzinski and Wallis, 2013), the Anecdotal Theory (Gallop, 2002) and the Collective Biography (Bronwin and Gannon, 2006), the project born by the occasion of an exhibition about transcendence, entitled As high as the eye can see, at FórumEugénio de Almeida, aiming the creation of a creative project of research and experimentation that ended in a guided tour designed and conducted by the students ​
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