Síndrome de la bolsa de orina púrpura: planificación de cuidados = Purple urine syndrome: Care planning
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The purple urine bag syndrome is an infrequent entity of benign
condition but characterized by a chemical that consequence the
urinary catheter and bag can get stained red, blue or purple.
This phenomenon usually happens in pluripathological patients
who carry a urinary catheter due to a urinary tract infection.
Development of the care plan: We developed a care plan by
reviewing and analyzing the case of an 86-year-old woman with
a diagnosis of purple urine bag syndrome. Nursing diagnoses are
proposed with the NANDA-I taxonomy, the outcome criteria
with the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and the
nursing interventions with the Nursing Intervention Classification
(NIC). In turn, we deal with the problems of collaboration
and the development of the nursing activities that accompany
them. Discussion and conclusion: It is necessary to develop an
individualized care planning centered in the person with purple
urine bag syndrome to achieve the planned results criteria and
avoid the alarm that implies a wrong therapeutics decision that can
alter the results