Vigilar y castigar en el aula
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Far from being overcome, the “punishment” appears as one of the most common teaching actions in school classrooms. So much so, that within the Educational System were
created the so-called “classroom of coexistence” to try to respond to the behavior of some
students that prevented teachers from teaching their classes in a desirable way. For this, an
alternative of “classroom” (in the sense of physical context) is outside the ordinary classroom. These coexistence classrooms were converted, taking into account their purpose and
execution, in “punishment classrooms”. Other habitual forms of punishment are usually
the prohibition of recess time, expulsion from class or from school, or incidents.
The proposal of this article is double: on the one hand, to delimit the conceptualization of punishment within the broader framework of teaching and learning processes,
contemplating the different ways of understanding and addressing it; and, on the other
hand, offer an alternative to the resolution of conflicts in the classrooms that prioritizes
its preventive and enriching character over the corrective one; that promotes actions based
on a vision that enhances the collective and not only individual character in its approach.
In short, that enhances the sense of community and coexistence within the classroom.
To achieve this, different actions are proposed (among many other possible ones): the
elaboration of the Plan of Coexistence within the Educational Project of the Center; the
programming of activities within the Tutorial Action Plan and, finally, the cooperative
learning as a structure of the activity that promotes both the cohesion of the group-class
and the co-responsibility in the learning processes in a broad sense
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