La segregación y la igualdad de género en la educación en España: un análisis jurídico descriptivo = Segregation and Gender Equality in Education in Spain: a Descriptive Legal Analysis

Navarro Cejas, Mercedes
Garrido, Yolanda
Jara, Fanny Liliam
Bonifaz Nieto, Luis Eduardo
The general objective of this research is based on analyzing the Spanish legal and jurisprudential system in educational matters from a gender perspective. Specifically, the problem of segregation in the classrooms and the Organic Law 2/2006 of May 4 in the area of education (LOE) as well as the Organic Law 3/2007 for effective equality between men and women will be analyzed. The research is documentary, analytical - synthetic. From the analysis of specific cases established through jurisprudence on segregation in education and Spanish legislation in this matter, it could be shown that the gender-differentiated separation of education does not constitute discrimination based on sex ​
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