La gestió municipal de la salut pública: estudi empíric de les característiques poblacionals i politico-tècniques en el cas dels municipis de la demarcació de Girona
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This thesis aims to provide information and analysis on the development of activities derived from municipal public health competencies in the municipalities of the Girona demarcation. The data show that the organization of the municipalities which deal with public health competencies is very heterogeneous. The uneven capacity of municipalities for the development of these competences has involved the intervention of intermediate and higher administrations.
The results of the study suggest a debate about whether municipalities are responsible for carrying out these activities or an associated instrument governed by a model of local governance that exercises planning and execution to the municipalities. There is also a debate about the real capacities and saturation risks of municipalities in developing these activities, and on whether a revision of the scope of public health is necessary: a universal (affects all municipalities equally) and homogeneous (the same activities must be carried out) competence in a context of very heterogeneous, diverse, often underfunded municipalities with limited technical capacities and very complex management dynamics.
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