Estudio de la red trófica microbiana en lagunas someras: autotrofia versus heterotrofia
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Autotrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms are two essential functional units in the microbial food web of aquatic ecosystems. They play a key role in nutrient cycling and carbon flow and influence the structure, composition and dynamics of aquatic food webs. In shallow lakes, the hydrological pattern is one of the most important factors that determine the availability of nutrients and the functional composition of the microbial community, and therefore the dominant trophic strategy in the microbial food web. The main objective of this thesis is to describe microbial food web structures in shallow lakes with different water circulation (turnover rate) and trophic (nutrient concentration) conditions.Results of this study show that The dominance of system by one trophic strategy or another depends mainly of the hydrological pattern of the system and the factors related to it, such as spatial distribution, water-confinement gradient, water permanence and nutrient concentration
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