Competencias y contenidos de Salud Pública en el grado en Enfermería en universidades españolas
Texto Completo
The Forum of Public Health University Teachers aims
to update the Public Health training in the degree studies. The aim was to
determine the competences and basic contents of Public Health of Nursing
Degree in Spain according to the criterion of the university academic staff.
Methods: Qualitative study, based on the nominal group technique. The
snowball sampling was used to recruit Public Health professors of the Nursing
degree, with full time dedication and preferably of the area of Preventive
Medicine and Public Health. Finally, 17 professors from 11 public universities
participated, who formed the Forum of University Professors of Public
Health of the Nursing Degree, which was held at the University of Barcelona.
Results: Nursing professors selected 43 of the 80 competences which are
recognized for Public Health professionals. The majority corresponded to the
functions ‘Assessing population health needs’ and ‘Developing health policies’.
Professors also got to agree about 47 issues organized in 7 blocks, with
contents on introduction of Public Health, demography, health determinants,
epidemiology of communicable and non-communicable diseases, health systems
and health management, and health promotion and education for health.
Conclusions: The university teachers agreed on Public Health competencies
and contents suitable for the Nursing Degree. This consensus constitutes a
reference to elaborate educational guides of Public Health for Nursing Degree