Influència de l'adherència terapèutica i el suport social en la qualitat de vida percebuda de les persones amb diàlisi peritoneal

Sitjar Suñer, Miquel
Chronic renal insufficiency is a public health problem that affects about 11% of the world’s adult population. However, the impact of peritoneal dialysis on people who receive this treatment is little known. The present research has studied therapeutic adherence, health-related quality of life, perceived social support and the experiences of patients receiving renal replacement therapy through the peritoneal dialysis provided by the Girona Health Region. In this research, quantitative and qualitative methodologies have been combined, studying sociodemographic, clinical, treatment adherence, perceived quality of life and social support variables. With regards to the quantitative phase, 55 patients, with an average age of 61,4 years, participated, 69,1% were men and they had received an average of 22,9 months of renal replacement therapy. 80% expressed their satisfaction in the different treatment adherence indicators. The most positive dimensions related to the perceived quality of life were cognitive function, patient satisfaction with the personnel who cared for them and the patient dialysis personnel as a stimulus whereas the most negatively affected dimensions were the employment situation, the burden of the disease, general perception, vitality and physical role. The overall perception of social support was high. In linear regression models, the quality of life at the physical level was associated with age and with symptoms of renal disease; and at a mental level with the burden of the disease. 10 people participated in the group interview, the participants referred to having less energy, less strength and greater fatigue when faced with small efforts, having to modify some established habits and lifestyles in order to compensate for this shortcoming and find the balance between their expectations, the circumstances in which they live and the treatment. It can be concluded that older people and those with more symptoms show worse health at the physical level and those who perceive a greater burden from their illness show worse mental health. Nevertheless, peritoneal dialysis is experienced as a less aggressive treatment that gives more autonomy ​
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