Pla de cures infermer a la persona amb ictus i desatenció unilateral

Solà Serrado, Marta
Introduction: Unilateral inattention is a syndrome that is characterized by a deficit in attention when it comes to capturing, responding or orienting towards a stimulus presented to the space contrary to the brain injury, a stroke in the right hemisphere, affecting the left side of the body. Inattention implies a worse post-stroke prognostic in terms of functionality, duration of hospital stay and discharge at home. In addition, patients with unilateral neglect are more susceptible to suffering collisions, falls and injuries. Early admission to rehabilitation diminishes the long-term adverse results, therefore, from the nurse perspective, it is necessary to evaluate the patients with appropriate tools and provide interventions aimed at reducing the functional deterioration of these patients and raising awareness of their deficit so that they participate in their self-care. Objectives: To develop a nursing plan for the affected person with stroke with unilateral inattention based on the scientific evidence regarding a real clinical case. To know the role of nursing in rehabilitation, to establish the symptoms and the methods to diagnose unilateral inattention and to know the influence of this syndrome in the recovery of people who have suffered a stroke. Methods: An evidence-based care plan has been carried out, for which it has been necessary to carry out a bibliographic review of the care in people affected by stroke and unilateral inattention in different databases and magazines. Subsequently, the care plan has been essential for the analysis of altered needs in these people and the carrying out of NANDA diagnostics, NOC objectives and NIC interventions in order to solve the possible deficiencies or risks in the needs. In relation to the plan of care, the assessment of the needs of the affected person with stroke with unilateral inattention is explained, observing that the needs that require more attention in this type of patient are the nutrition, the elimination, the movement and security, although it must be considered that all needs can be affected. Secondly, the most relevant alterations were selected and the corresponding diagnoses, objectives and interventions were carried out, among them, the most important diagnoses, as well as unilateral inattention, are the risk of aspiration, deterioration of the swallowing, fecal incontinence, risk of constipation, deterioration of urinary elimination, functional urinary incontinence, deterioration of physical mobility, risk of falls and risk of injury. It is essential that care is mainly aimed at protecting and recognizing the affected side, controlling the neurological state, identifying and avoiding risk factors before suction, promoting intestinal and urinary continence, promoting mobility, identifying self-care deficits and providing assistance, established measures to avoid injuries, identify risk factors for falls and prevent them. Conclusions: People with stroke accompanied by unilateral inattention require a high-complexity treatment plan to diagnose and treat disorders derived from them. The evidence found makes clear the need to investigate more about the effectiveness of nursing care in people affected with unilateral neglect ​
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