Efectivitat d'un programa de promoció de la salut mental en trastorn de conducta alimentària: projecte finalitzat

Rodríguez Camprubi, Emi
Introduction: Feeding behaviour disorders are an alteration in diet, behaviour or attitude related to feeding which affects mostly females between 12 and 20 years old. The diagnostic of this pathology has increased in the last decades. Health promotion is the tool that allows people to obtain larger control over one’s health. Despite that, a greater effort has been paid in preventive programs on feeding behaviour disorders. Objective: To evaluate teen’s knowledge about feeding behaviour disorders, prevalence and risk factors. Also, to test if this knowledge is increased after applying part of a mental health promotion program about feeding behaviour disorders. Methodology: A prospective longitudinal study was made with an intentioned, non-probabilistic sample selection. Both sociodemographic and feeding behaviour disorders knowledge related variables (diagnosis, prevalence, risk factors and clinical manifestations) were considered, and processed using a descriptive bivariate analysis with SPSS 23.0 software. Results: 147 students answered the pre-intervention questionnaire and 147 answered the post-intervention one after attending the mental health promotion intervention about feeding behaviour disorders. Before the intervention, participants’ knowledge scored an average of 11.54 points about 26 points. By age, students of 3rd course on high school were the most knowledgeable ones, as were females when dividing by sex. After the intervention, the average score raised to 14.76 points, shifting the student’s level of knowledge from low to medium. The groups with the greatest increase were 2nd course of high school students and females. All answers show an improvement on knowledge level except those related to mental disorders, prevalence based on social class and underlying risk factors. The most frequent error made when answering the questionnaire was the consideration of morbid obesity as a feeding behaviour disorder and not considering ruminate disorder as one. Conclusions: Students show a low level of knowledge about feeding behaviour disorders but they have it increased to a medium level after applying part of the mental health promotion program about feeding behaviour disorders suggested ​
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