Violencia de género en el ámbito de la pareja en mujeres jóvenes: estudio fenomenológico cualitativo

Martín García, Patricia
Introduction: Despite being recognized as one of the main public health problems affecting the entire world by the World Health Organization, gender violence and its consequences continue being a slightly investigated topic and even less recognized as a problem by society. The State is focused on the deathly victims that appear in the media, but this is only the tip of the iceberg of something that is happening to a third part of the women around the world. The problem has not much visibility from the perspective of the women, its own experience and even less from the assessment they do about support and help received. Survivors experience is the main guide for the professionals to improve the assistance they provide and the quality of this, to be able to help the maximum of affected women. Objectives: Be able to know the perception of young victims of gender violence have about the professionals, available resources, the consequences of abuse and the difficulties in the identifying as battered person. Methods: Qualitative phenomenological research about gender violence that young women in couple between 18 and 29 years suffer through an personal interview. Results and discussion: 10 main categories and 4 subcategories were analyzed as results, where confidence between health professionals, nurse paper in terms of gender violence and conscience of abuse situations stand out from the interviews realized to a whole of 3 women (average age 23.3 years old). Conclusions: Health professional are seen as a support for gender violence victims, despite the specific formation lacking in that field and a big ignorance about available support for affected women. Mental sphere is the most affected part as a consequence of violence and which takes most time to recovery, especially affecting women’s self-esteem. Identification as ill-treated woman is not produced by the existing association between gender violence and physical violence, together with the victim annulment by the manipulation exercised. Fear is the main conditioning factor for the victims to not denounce or ask for help ​
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