Grau d'implementació i coneixement de la prevenció de la mort sobtada cardíaca en esportistes: projecte de recerca
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Over the last few years, the number of people who practise some type of physical
exercise has soared, with data showing that at present, half of the population in
Catalonia practices it.
Although this increase represents health benefits for these people, it can also be
a risk unless it is carried out with a good control and planning. The most serious
complication that can be triggered is sudden cardiac death, which is currently a
first magnitude health problem due to the important social impact that it
To reduce the incidence of sudden cardiac death, it is very important a proper
primary and secondary prevention. Such preventions consist on a systematic
cardiovascular evaluation that establishes the early diagnosis of underlying
cardiopathies, and a good emergency plan of response, having enough external
automatic defibrillators at stadiums and sports centres.
The aim of this study is to analyse the factors related to the realisation of revisions
that include systematic cardiovascular evaluation, knowing the level of
implementation of these in the athletes of the Sports Service of the University of
Girona and studying the socio-demographic profile and the kind of sport that the
participants of the study practice. On the other hand, it aims to describe the level
of knowledge that they have about sudden cardiac death in athletes and its
prevention in order to observe the necessity of educational sessions in this field.
It is a descriptive, observational and transversal study with quantitative analysis,
carried out over a year with the participation of members of the Sports Service of
the University of Girona. The data collection instrument is a questionnaire
designed by the researcher herself. For the descriptive statistical analysis, the
SPSS v20 program will be used.
The results obtained in this study will help us to identify needs related to the
correct cardiovascular checking of athletes and their knowledge about sudden
cardiac death and its prevention
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