Maneig de les flictenes en cremades de segon grau: revisió bibliogràfica

Asensio Manjon, Raquel
Two types of second degree burns are distinguished, the deep and the superficial ones, these last ones are the ones that most predispose to form the denominated blisters. Elevations of the skin, product of the separation between the layers of the epidermis and inside of which serous liquid accumulates, as a result of the damaged blood vessels. Through this bibliographic review, the aim is to analyze the practice of nurse as regards the approach of blisters in second degree burns, and the latest recommendations on the subject. To carry out the review, an exhaustive search was made in three databases, obtaining a total of 64 articles, of which 17 were the ones selected after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The existing articles so far lack scientific evidence, since there are practically no clinical trials on the subject. There are no standardized protocols in the health centers, most professionals are based on their own experience to address them. There are 11 documents that treat the blister according to various factors such as the location, etiology, extent, gravity of the burn, the risk of infection, components of the exudation of blisters, the rapidity of healing, evolution, pain, frequency of care, and economic analysis in terms of costs. 4 focus the research on a single factor, based on the analysis of the fluid contained by the blister. However, only 2 of the documents group the latter factor with one of the first mentioned. We can conclude that the literature is divided about their approach. The technique most advocated by experts is to break the blister aseptically and in the best possible conditions, although recent studies suggest that not all of the blisters have the same characteristics. Bringing to think that the best option is to personalize the tratment of these ​
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