Model driven architecture, WFS and WFS-T at the Norwegian Mapping Authority
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The aim of this presentation is to introduce you to the to the model driven architecture (MDA) that we are using at the Norwegian Mapping Authority in Norway ( The Norwegian Mapping Authority bears nationwide responsibility for geographical information, operates the national property registry and undertakes all property registration in Norway. Starting from the UML model we produce the rest of the pieces involved in order to deploy a dataset and make it available. From this UML we produce the corresponding schema file, data base and Deegree mapping files. All these pieces alloy us to deploy automatically a new WFS using the XSD files and a GML dataset. During all of these processes we use different technologies and software. As a strategic decision at the Norwegian Mapping Authority we use open source software but in that case there are a mix of proprietary and open source tools. To sum up, in this process we have found some limitations but also some advantages related to the implementation itself and also to the involved technologies
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