Los videojuegos para la comunicación en salud sexual de los escolares: Valoración de los profesores de secundaria
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The classroom as a vital space for adolescent
sexual education, involves teachers trained
in knowledge and innovative communication
strategies that minimize biological, psychosocial
and cultural risks inherent to sexuality
and impact on school dropout and poor academic
performance. Objective: To characterize
the knowledge, importance and use in the
classroom that teachers give to the commercial
videogame in communicative processes
for the adolescent sexual education of Medellín.
Methodology: Cross-sectional descriptive
study, involving 52 secondary school
teachers responding to a survey on intervention
in educational projects on sexual health,
communicative processes in the classroom,
knowledge about ICT use by students. Results:
78.4% intervened in sex education projects;
90.6% considered that students resort
to the internet to inform themselves; 82.7%
think that learners make irresponsible use of
ICT; for 78.9% commercial video games communicate
sexist, racist or violent ideas; 77.4% believe that students play video games to have
fun; 66% would be willing to include video games
as a didactic strategy. Conclusions: Secondary
teachers assume high participation in
educational projects on sexual health, have an
approach to the use of video games by their
students and would be willing to incorporate
commercial video games as a didactic strategy
for assertive communication in prevention
processes and promotion of sexual health