De la torre de marfil a la arena pública: el papel de los científicos en la comunicación de la ciencia y la tecnología

Mendizábal, Victoria E.
Text Complet
The classical notion of science as being neutral and devoid of responsibilities for the problematic consequences of the results of scientific research has been progressively eroded. In this new context, scientists are being compelled to go outside their traditional refuge, the lab, and render account to society, systematically. The present paper analyzes the context in which these transformations have occurred in the most recent history. Moreover, it reflects about the reasons why scientific organizations have begun to promote the idea that communicating research results to the general public, is a task that must be incorporated to day-to-day scientific endeavor. Furthermore, it raises the need to provide scientists the specific tools to communicate their research results to a non-expert public. In addition, it invites to reconsider public communication of science activities beyond scientific journalism practice. Finally, it suggests that the challenge of communicating research results to wider audiences implies finding strategies that allow scientists to break their traditional forms of peer-to-peer communication, mainly argumentative, and transform them into narratives ​
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