Los discursos concurrentes que se convirtieron en rumor: la designación como ejercicio de poder

Soares de Araujo, Inesita
Aguiar, Raquel
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 Taking as an empirical reference the way in which public health institutions in Brazil reacted to the intense wave of unauthorized information that was propagated during the zika virus epidemic and its neurological consequences, from 2015 to 2016, the text problematizes the naming of divergent discourses as “rumors”. Suported on a referential based on the idea of communication as a symbolic market and on the naming and mode of visibility as a condition and mode of public existence, discursive clashes on some controversial themes are discussed, proposing the framing of “rumors” as competing discourses. Their main argument is that the framing of these discourses as rumors is a strategy aimed at their disqualification and that the practice characterizes a form of exercise of discursive power identified with nuclei that for some reason are considered authorized voices in Science and/or Health. In contrast, calls for the recognition of these discourses as a place of plurality of meanings and the flow of yearnings, expectations and social memories ​
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