Desarrollo de un modelo para el seguimiento y control económico y temporal durante la fase de ejecución en la obra pública. Integration of information for advanced detection of cost overruns-IMADO

The primary objective of this research is to modify the models regularly used to record and monitor the implementation costs of public works projects from the perspective of the promotor, the project directors or the project managers. This is done with a structure similar to the traditional system of meticulously recording project costs to obtain additional trustworthy and accurate information about current and future economic deviations that may occur during project implementation and about the probable liquidation and closing horizon of the project. That is possible if the economic information generated during the project implementation, which current cost control models do not incorporate until its implementation is certified, are incorporated into the structures of existing models for the control and monitoring of implementation costs. The sub-objectives of this research include applying this new technology and the new model to improve permanent control of the amount of economic deviations sustained during project implementation, identify the causes of deviation, graphically and analytically represent the economic behaviour, comply with the deadline for implementing the project and incorporate dashboards into periodical project reports ​
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