Patró de consum de tabac, alcohol i cànnabis en estudiants de 1r i 2n d'ESO
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Drug abuse is a public health problem related to habits acquired in adolescence. The school
environment is a suitable place to collect information about the behaviours and habits of
teenagers. The aim of this study is to describe the pattern of tobacco, alcohol and cannabis
consumption of 1st and 2nd ESO students in Santa Maria de Palautordera and Sant Esteve de
Palautordera and its characteristics. From a descriptive, cross-section study with a sample of
207 students (average age: 12,8 years; DT: 0,73), 42,99% women, we can see what the
model of consumption of these substances looks like in the early stages of adolescence. The
results show that a high percentage of participants have had contact with alcohol (30, 4%),
with tobacco (13%) and with cannabis (4,4%). Some have experienced binge drinking
(4,35%) and drunkenness (2,41%). Alcohol is the most consumed and most socially
accepted drug. 55% of students have consumed alcohol in a family context and 41,7% in
discos or bars. Most students associate alcohol with entertainment (69,4%) and with being an
adult (33,2%). Half of the students have friends who smoke or drink alcohol and 1 of every 4
has friends who consume cannabis. Most claim that cannabis is dangerous (78%) and that
tobacco and alcohol are only moderately dangerous (68% and 66,7%, respectively). It is
worth noting that the substances-using teenagers who took part in this study tend to show a
pessimistic frame of mind; they have average family relationships but they have a negative
perception of their personal health status and a limited or abnormal mental health status.
These results are consistent with other studies which indicate an early start of
experimentation with drugs in rural areas. It concludes that promotion and health prevention
activities should be undertaken before the first contact with different substances, with a view to delaying the age of first experimentation in order to improve the skills which would enable the youngster to cope with social and peer pressure, while taking into account all risk factors and influences which may affect teenagers
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