La construcción de la identidad profesional docente: estudio cualitativo sobre la construcción de la identidad profesional de los estudiantes de pedagogía en programas de formación inicial de profesores de carácter público y privado

The aim of the study was to know the identity contents developed by student teachers during their training experiences and to discover which models give shape to these contents inside the professional programs. The results allow us to observe a multiplicity of identities: the educator; the teacher expert in design; the expert in didactics; the expert in methodology and the expert in disciplinary content. The study reports the existence of identity representations related to the teachers’ role and professional functions and a relational identity which recognizes the importance of teacher – students’ bonds and professional relationships. Finally, it reveals an invisibilization of the genuine sense of teacher's identity in the initial teacher education programs. The referents that underlie the processes of teacher’s identity construction in the professional programs indicate the presence of a technical and instrumental rationality as a referent of the subjectivity and identity subjectivization and a habitus as an organizing and organizer device of the teachers ​
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