Las competencias emocionales en el currículum de las carreras de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Playa Ancha

Gallardo Jaque, Alejandro
This work aims to develop, implement and evaluate a proposal to incorporate emotional competencies in the curriculum of pedagogical careers at the University of Playa Ancha, with a mixed approach, based on four studies in three years of work. The design is quasi-experimental with pre-test / post-test measures and control group in a first study, evaluating the application process of the program with the experimental groups. In addition to the initial and final evaluation, a process evaluation has been carried out in the experimental groups. The results show significant advances in the dimensions and skills worked on in the program. The students highlight positive aspects in terms of learning, achievements and importance for their training, recognizing in this work the value of the delivery of tools, the development of skills and the change of perspective in relation to their responsibility regarding their personal, social and profesional well-being. ​
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