Decision-support for adaptive and sustainable urban wastewater system management in the face of uncertainty

With sustainable development as the new overarching goal, urban wastewater system (UWS) managers are now being asked to take all social, economic, technical and environmental facets related to their decisions into account. In this complex decision-making environment, uncertainty can be formidable. Uncertainty is present both in the ways the system is interpreted stochastically, but also in its natural ever-shifting behaviour. This inherent uncertainty leads to the conclusion that better decisions will be made if the decision-making process is adaptive and iterative. UWS decision-support frameworks exist in the literature, but none of them effectively addresses all these needs. Hence, there is a need for an adaptive framework that supports UWS management by addressing aspects of sustainability and uncertainty of various types. The development of such a framework is the main outcome of this work, and is supported by two demonstrative applications presented in this thesis. ​
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