La transformación del Taller de Arquitectura en nuevos espacios de aprendizaje. Un estudio sobre el proceso de integración entre la enseñanza y la práctica profesional.

Nowadays, the professional practice is undergoing changes that are affecting the architects’ work. However, the training of architects in schools continues to focus on educational models that have grown more distant from the professional demands. In view of this, schools have developed new teaching methods to adapt to the current situation. As a result, the Design Studio (considered as the core of architectural education) is being transformed into a hybrid and delocalized learning space that establishes a direct relationship with the profession, encourages more active participation, and promotes the use of digital technologies. This thesis entails a holistic study of the transformation of the Design Studio into new learning spaces and its relation to current changes in the profession. It aims to fill a crucial knowledge gap in the contemporary discourse on the education of architects and to present potential ways of improving design studio teaching practices. ​
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